We’ve all heard the saying that with technology these days, everyone is a photographer. While it may be easy to point your phone camera at anything and shoot, professional photographers know the ins and outs of composition rules, lighting, and everything else that goes into a really fantastic photograph. That doesn’t mean however that for everyday life, you can’t learn to take a great photo.
Here are 5 tips for taking better photos of your loved ones or vacation photos that may come in handy, especially if you’re using your phone to take them.
1. Quality Photos
There are a few simple rules to follow to ensure you’re taking better photos every time you snap. First, make sure you wipe your phone’s camera lens! There’s nothing worse than getting a great shot and then realizing it’s a little blurry due to a smudge on the lens. Make sure you focus on your subject and try not to zoom. Keep in mind that sometimes with a phone, the focus can be changed by tapping the subject of your focus on the screen. If you’re zeroing in on a specific part of a subject, like in the above photo, you might want to get in close (without zooming) so that your finished product captures all of the details.
2. Keep it Real
Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself or someone you know and thought, “That smile is so fake”? It probably happens quite often. Most people are not great at putting on a truly natural smile when someone behind a lens simply says “Smile!”. To capture true emotion when shooting portraits or even group photos, try to get the subjects talking, and having a genuinely good time. Or even tell a joke and make sure you keep shooting! The difference in the result can be truly amazing.
3. Change Your Perspective
If you’re finding that your photos are falling a bit flat, try changing your perspective. Crouching low to the ground can give your subject a sense of grandeur, whereas shooting from a height can minimize a subject’s presence. You can change the power dynamics of a subject just by altering your perspective. Give it a shot next time!
4. The Rule of Thirds
The rule of thirds is a composition rule where you divide an image into even thirds, both horizontally and vertically, and place your subject at the intersection of these imaginary lines. The couple in the wedding photo above would be on the third vertical line from the left for example. The rule of thirds also encourages the creative use of negative space around your main subject. In the example, we can see much of the beautiful sky and ocean surrounding the happy couple, which adds to the whimsy of the photograph.
5. Look for Inspiration Everywhere
Even when you’re not taking better photos, try to imagine the way you would frame a subject if you were photographing it. This can be done throughout your normal day – walking through the park, sitting at the dinner table, or even at the grocery store. Great photography is everywhere. You can learn so much and gain great new ideas just by looking at other photographs whether they are in books, online, or on Instagram! So get out there, explore, and experiment!
For all of your lifestyle photography needs, reach out to Anna Kobelak at 1-416-805-9890 or by filling out the form below.